YYH: Yusuke's Day Off - Beta Version (HTML only)

Yusuke's monologue: It was a slow day - no work from Koenma or Botan. And definitely nothing to do at school - didn't want to think about that too much. So I was wandering around town when I saw Kuwabara and Yukina together. Sure, I figured they had a good relationship by now, but I didn't know they were going out. So I approached them.

[Yukina and Kuwa appear on screen]

Kuwa: "Urameshi, what are you doing here? If you wanna fight, this isn't a good time. Yukina-san and I were... um..."

Yusuke: "Going on a date, right?"

Yukina: "Correct. This is the first time I have done anything with Kuwa-chan in public."

Kuwa: "Yukina-san!"

Monologue: I knew he wasn't real good at relationships - I felt the same most of the time. I started to wonder if I might actually learn something from them.

Yusuke: "So where are you two going?"

Yukina: "Kuwa told me of a small store that sells ice cream. He said I might enjoy that."

Kuwa: "I told the gang to stay away."

Yukina: "Do you want to join us, Urameshi-san?"

(Choice 1a: "Sure, I don't mind. I have time."

1b: "No, I should probably hang out with Keiko instead.")